Boat Building Day 2

I stormed into my second day of Senior Project with the intent to prep my boat for the installation of my seats. 
With my two doublers installed, I had to fill in a few gaps to make the walls flush.

I also coated both air chambers with epoxy. 

I added a few more fillets and started sanding all inner walls so I can epoxy for the seats to be installed. The stern cover’s bottom was also epoxied today.


The bow cover was fitted with sanding because it wasn’t sitting properly. Today was very efficient and full of successful prep. Can’t wait to install my seat tomorrow. The three pieces I add tomorrow will be the last addition of wood to my boat. After I piece my boat together, I will have a smooth rest of the week sanding and epoxying the entirety of my boat. Still thinking of some names for my boat. My two favorites are:

1. blub blub blub
2. Titanic 2

Comment down below other names you recommend!

Stop by to see my progress anytime!

Thanks for reading,

Calvin Monfried

Hours: 6


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